Have you ever wanted to have a snowball fight in the middle of summer? Now you can! Follow along with Zack as he shares his fake snow recipe. You can now enjoy fluffy snow anytime of the year!
Puppeteer a Bird
Make your own bird puppet and learn the artistry of puppetry in this New Victory Theater video from Camp TV. Follow along to create your puppet, then make your bird puppet fly all around and discover what it feels like to be a bird.
How to Make a Flip Book
Follow along with Krishna, age 12, and learn how to create and animate a flip book in this Camp TV video from the Metropolitan Museum of Art.
Zach Makes a Horn
We are celebrating summer here at Camp TV! In this clip head counselor Zack teaches us how to create our own noise maker that can be used at any fun and festive celebration! Where will you use your noise maker?
Paper Hand Fan
Zach demonstrates how to make your own paper hand fan craft.
Keith from BRIC demonstrates a fun printmaking activity. A collagraphs is a kind relief print. This means that the image is made from a raised surface that you roll ink on to, then you press the image onto paper to make a print.
Painting with Mud
Learn how to make your own mud painting with this video from Chicago Parks District.
Primary and Secondary Colors
Zach talks about primary color and secondary colors.
Making a 3-hole Book
Sonia from BRIC demonstrates how to make a 3-hole book with paper and string.
Lorax Craft
Zach shows how to make a fun Lorax craft out of a potato!