Greta from the Brooklyn Botanic Garden teaches how to make your very own flower crown!
Fortune Teller
Follow along with Zach and make your very own fortune teller craft to predict what your future career might be!
Frieda Kahlo
Learn all about Frida Kahlo with Deja from the Bronx Children’s Museum. Then learn how to make your very own self portrait inspired by Frida Kahlo’s artwork!
Sets and Costumes
Sam from the New Victory Theater teaches all about set building in miniature. Explore how to take a story and create a set for it out of everyday objects.
Follow along with Zach and learn how to cast your own constellation shadows using paper and a flashlight.
Make a Space Station
Make your own space station with this video from the Children’s Museum of the Arts.
Homemade “Sand”
Follow along with Zach and make “sand” from baking powder, baking soda, and dish soap! Then, make your own sandcastle!
Friendship Bracelet
Follow along with Zach and learn how to make your very own friendship bracelet!
Eco Friendly Puppets
Follow these instructions from The Children’s Museum of the Arts to make eco-friendly puppets
Kat from the Brooklyn Museum demonstrates her favorite bookmaking technique. Follow along and learn how to make your own book with this video from Camp TV!