Crescent Lunge with Sarah

Crescent Lunge with Sarah

Join Sarah from the S’More Ideas Crew for some yoga moves in this video from Camp TV. Practice balance by doing the crescent lunge pose.

Squats with Brooke

Squats with Brooke

Get up and move with Brooke from the S’more Ideas crew in this video from Camp TV! Build strength by doing 2 rounds of squats.

Red Light Green Light

Red Light Green Light

Get up, get moving and have fun with this Camp TV video from Playworks. Coach Naj and Coach Zok lead viewers in a movement activity using the game Red Light, Green Light 123.

Our Bodies with Calia and Todd

Our Bodies with Calia and Todd

In this dance class, you’ll explore the incredible, complex system of your body with teaching artist Calia Marshall from the National Dance Institute, with music by Todd Keller. Learn about bones, joints, muscles, and breath through movement. Get up on your feet to try out these moves at home!

Bottom kicks with Malcom

Bottom kicks with Malcom

Get up and get moving! Follow along with Malcom for one minute of bottom kicks in this video from Camp TV!

Learn to Samba

Learn to Samba

Stand up and learn essential steps of the Samba with dancer Jade Maeggy with this Lincoln Center video from Camp TV.

Body Rochambo

Body Rochambo

Join coaches Henry and Zok in a fun movement activity, based on the Rochambo Party (Rock Paper Scissors), in this Playworks video from Camp TV. Rather than just using your hands to show rock, paper, or scissors, this activity will have you using your whole body.

Beat Your Feet Dance Lesson

Beat Your Feet Dance Lesson

Get up and get your groove on with teaching artist Olney Edmondson in this New Victory Theater video from Camp TV.

Land Sea Air

Land Sea Air

Get up and move in this Playworks video from Camp TV. Play along with Coach Bash as he leads viewers using the commands Land, Sea, Air, and Pirate!