sports & games
Cookie Challenge

Cookie Challenge

In this clip Zach attempts to get a cookie from his forehead to his mouth in just 10 seconds!

Gumballs and Whipped Cream Challenge

Gumballs and Whipped Cream Challenge

Zach gets a mystery challenge where he is instructed to fish gumballs out of whipped cream and form a bubble in under 30 seconds. Can he do it?

Land Sea Air

Land Sea Air

Get up and move in this Playworks video from Camp TV. Play along with Coach Bash as he leads viewers using the commands Land, Sea, Air, and Pirate!

Passing a basketball with Ross

Passing a basketball with Ross

Practice basketball skills in this S’more Ideas video from Camp TV. All you need is a basketball and a wall and you can perfect the art of passing!

Mini Golf Challenge

Mini Golf Challenge

Watch as Zach creates a mini golf course and attempts to get the golf ball up, over, and around the course in just 15 seconds! Do you think he can do it?